Citywide Interest

Acts 13:44 On the next Sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord.

There are times in history when it seems as though everyone gets on board with a movement. It seems as though everyone is thinking the same way, asking the same questions, and all come up with the same answers. But these moments are very rare.

Most of human history has been filled with people seeing events differently. There are always two sides to every story, the old saying goes. So when people are united toward a cause, then we must make note of it.

We have one such moment recorded in our text. Paul and Barnabas have been sent on a missions trip to share the Good News in new places. They have been very successful, despite Paul ending up being left for dead after his opponents stoned him for his views. But that did not deter him from continuing to share the Truth.

He has spent time teaching in Perga in Pamphylia, a spot in modern Turkey. He has explained to both Jews and god-fearing non-Jewish people about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. And they have responded by enthusiastic hunger to learn more.

So as they gather on the next Saturday, there is a tremendous crowd that shows up. It sounds as though the people who had been present for that first Saturday meeting in the city had spent the week telling everyone they knew about what had happened. And those who heard the accounts showed up to hear for themselves.

When they show up, they want to hear the word of the Lord. They aren’t there to see miraculous signs. They haven’t come to get healed. They have come to hear what God has to say about life, death and eternity.

Oh, how I wish people would show up with this motivation these days. If only people could grasp the freedom that comes from hearing and knowing the Word of the LORD. It is the Word that changes us. It is not seeing miracles or signs and wonders. It is the Word of God that makes the difference in people’s lives.

So when we gather, let’s focus on the Word of the Lord. Then He can accomplish what He wants to do through us.

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