In His Place

2 Chronicles 19:6-7 He told them, “Consider carefully what you do, because you are not judging for mere mortals but for the Lord, who is with you whenever you give a verdict. Now let the fear of the Lord be on you. Judge carefully, for with the Lord our God there is no injustice or partiality or bribery.”

Have you ever had to do something for someone else on their behalf? In the military we often have to give Power of Attorney to others so that they can sell a car, sell a house, oversee the movers, sign for quarters or even make medical decisions. When we choose someone for these tasks we want to make sure they know what we would want. We don’t want rogue agents doing things on their own.

It can be a difficult task to let go of control in those situations. We wonder if they will really do what we would do. So far, we have had great success when we have had to give this power to others.

In the eyes of the law, the Power of Attorney agent is acting with the full power of you. It is as if you are there, making the decisions, signing the papers. And when we have had to do this, we wanted to represent the owners well. We were speaking for them.

Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, is in control of the land. He has squelched a rebellion and is now firmly in control. He wants to expand the territory where the Law of the LORD is revered. He wants faithfulness and justice to reign.

To do this, he must appoint judges to handle the legal cases, settling disputes and mitigating conflicts. These things happen in every society, and how the society handles them reflects the society’s values. And the values Jehoshaphat wants reflected are the LORD’s values.

So he charges them, to remember the LORD’s place in all this. They are His agents, acting on the LORD’s behalf, to bring justice and His rule and reign here on Earth. They must always remember this as they hear cases and pass judgments.

“You must serve faithfully and wholeheartedly in the fear of the LORD,” Jehoshaphat writes. Remembering who the LORD is at all times should make a difference in the way the conduct business. Human courts and justice are filled with injustice, partiality and bribery. Around the world this is what is most prevalent in courts.

There have been cries in the United States for justice, even with the powerful and well connected. But justice seems to elude us. The rich and powerful have a different set of rules by which they live and by which they are judged or avoid judgement.

But for the LORD’s people, there was to be a totally different system, one that reflected the character of the LORD. He is faithful and just. They were to be likewise. They were His agents enacting His justice.

How do you carry out your job of justice? Do you do it in the fear of the LORD, or just what is best for you? Do you have an awareness of His presence when you are working through the intricacies of right and wrong? Do you make decisions knowing you are His Agent in Charge?

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