Righteousness Has Fruit

Isaiah 32:17 The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever.

What would it be like if everyone did the right thing all the time? What if everyone was a Jesus-follower and lived that out at every moment of every day in every circumstance with every person?

It can be very hard to imagine this because we see so much of the opposite happening in our world. We too often see people, not just Jesus-followers, saying one thing and doing another. They shout about saving the planet and the need to get off fossil fuels, but then hop in their private jet with the poodle and bottle of champagne. They tell us to send money to help, but then sit on their millions and billions.

Now before I rant to much against them I want to point at us. Are we living holy as the LORD is holy? I didn’t think so. Me either. We, myself included, still have a way to go before we are there.

Isaiah is giving the people of his day a glimpse of the future, a future when righteousness is in charge. People at all levels doing the right thing because it is the right thing, not because it is legislated to them by those in power. From top to bottom people are doing it.

When this happens all vestiges of war and conflict will become obsolete. All the structures and implements of war will get repurposed. Freedom and abundance will be the order of the day. Even deserts will spring to life, yielding an abundance of crops.

And when the LORD intervenes in this way, when righteousness is ushered into creation, then peace will happen. Not simply will there be no conflict, but there will be restoration of relationships. Quietness will sing His song. No hustle and bustle to make a buck and spend it. No dog eat dog world ethics. No get it while the getting is good.

Instead, we will be able to live as the LORD intended us to live, walking in the cool of the evening in the Garden with our Creator.

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