
2 Samuel 14:14 14 Like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be recovered, so we must die. But that is not what God desires; rather, he devises ways so that a banished person does not remain banished from him. 

There will always be reasons for people to separate themselves from each other. Social distancing is not a new thing. It has been going on for thousands of years. The reason for the distancing at this moment in history might be a little different than in recent history, but it is certainly not unique.
During previous plagues that swept the globe, some with death rates as high as a quarter of the population, people hid from those who were infected. It was often the clergy who cared for the dying. They sacrificed themselves for the sake of those who needed care.
Even the Garden of Eden was a story of separation. Rebellion against the simple instructions of the LORD got in the way of fellowship between the created and the Creator. And the Creator made a way for reconciliation to take place, first through the animal skins for clothing and then the promise of Jesus’ triumphant crushing of Satan and Satan’s only weapon, death.
Our text today recounts a very painful and ugly story of lust, rape and murder. The affect of this series of events would last for years. There would eventually be a day when reconciliation of a sort would take place. I say “of a sort” because nothing could take away the stain of the sins that had happened.
But it is the desire of the LORD that banished people be reunited with Him and with other people. That is what the Cross is all about. We are the banished. We are the ones bearing the guilt of sin and wickedness. We deserve to be separated from the Holy God.
And yet, the LORD made a way for us to be brought back, and not like in our account in today’s text. He makes a way for us to be FULLY restored. We get all the privileges of sons and daughters! We are welcomed with open arms and a celebration.
He makes a way for the banished to be restored. We are restored!
One of these days the “stay at home” orders will end. We will be able to worship together, celebrate our deliverance and mourn our losses. Friendships will be renewed. Families will be reunited. Visits will happen that were postponed. What a glorious day that will be!

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