The Thread – Joseph – Faithful Underdog

God often uses the worst of circumstances as a means of bringing glory to Himself.
Outline: Sometimes everyone in your family will misunderstand what the LORD is doing in your life: God often speaks to us as individuals and then that message is confirmed by the Word, the body and the Holy Spirit. Our families sometimes don’t understand, even when they want what is best for us. Sometimes the LORD puts us in a position without giving us the full picture of what He is doing: We have limited knowledge. God has complete knowledge. So we are often operating in the dark. We don’t understand what the LORD is doing. When we are faithful the LORD brings His blessing in His time: Joseph was faithful, and yet much of his life it seemed as though no one acknowledged it. But the LORD brought blessing both to him and to those he served. Blessing can also make us an object of envy and attack: Those opposed to us often don’t understand the blessing of the LORD. They feel jealous. But attack doesn’t mean we are outside of God’s will.

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