Living without Subtitles

Let’s face it, we all get a little lost at times and need signs, directions, or subtitles.

So, you can imagine that living in Okinawa, Japan can be very disorienting to a gal raised in western culture.  The Japanese have three alphabets. You read that correctly, three! 

So, what does a person do when you can’t read Japanese and the signs have no subtitles? Well, you can sit and cry because you’re utterly and completely lost.  Or you can look for someone who speaks your language.  Or you can attempt to venture out, watching for landmarks to give you directional awareness. 

Staying alert in a foreign country is a must! I watch where I’m going and leave ‘bread crumbs’ to find my way home.

I wonder if Jesus had this in mind when he gave his disciples warnings like “it will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes”.  How about, “you know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky; how is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present time?”

There are signs all around us.  In order to interpret the present times, we need Jesus, plain and simple.  He interprets the signs for us.  He gives us directional awareness.  He instructs us to be alert and watchful as we travel from our unknowns to the knowns, from this earth to our eternal home. 

If you’re feeling lost today, adrift in your new residence, remember that Jesus was already there waiting for you.  He wants to be your guide.  Jesus cares about your feelings of “lost-ness” and says, “I am the way, the truth and the life”.  He is the way and He’ll show you the way. 

Any day now, He may be coming back to take us home. Whether it be the fulfillment of prophecy or the final moments of our time on earth, He says “be ready”.  Keep watching the signs of this present time and be about pleasing our Savior, Jesus.

No subtitles needed when Jesus shows us the way home. 

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