Standing At the Sink

As I was standing at the sink filling ice cube trays with water, I realized I was in Okinawa. I am in Okinawa.

No words can describe the overwhelming sense of God’s presence right now. Tears are literally welling up in my eyes. He would grace me with the privilege of serving Him and His people here in Okinawa.

And I get to fill ice cube trays in Okinawa.

God’s presence seems to show up in unusual places and times. You see, that is the way God speaks, in extra ordinary ways and in the every day moments. He speaks through ice cube trays, the still small voice, the thundering storm, the rose petal, the prophets words, the death-defying Son of God.

I believe that the Creator of the Universe is still involved in His creation. He didn’t step back and become uninvolved. On the contrary, He became more involved.

And I believe He is involved in making ice cubes in Okinawa.

This might sound crazy to some. But to me they are the most beautiful words, spoken to the heart of a very humbled servant.

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