Two Shirt Day

It was a two shirt day. I expected to have to change shirts. I do put a clean one on in the mornings. But I didn’t expect it so soon.

Maybe I had better start at the beginning.

I took a shower in the house where we are staying here in Okinawa. Everything seemed fine. So I got dressed as usual. No problems yet. Then I started into the living room to continue my prep work for our first service here at Keystone Nazarene, the congregation with whom we have the privilege of sharing life this Summer.

And then it happened. The sweat started running. I turned on the fan and placed myself in front of it. But the sweat continued. I tried to ignore it, but to no avail. And then I made the mistake of moving.

As soon as I moved the evidence of the monsoon of sweat that was taking over the local weather system under my shirt became evident. What had been my secret was now revealed to the world, or at least to my wife and our host. The sweat had penetrated my shirt and was making its presence known to everyone who cared to look.

Sometimes in our spiritual life we try to hide the turmoil in our lives. We try to make the outside look better than our inside. We put on the happy face and pretend, at least to the outside world, that all is well. But we can’t hide this turmoil from ourselves. And eventually it shows up to the outside world.

We all know people who pretend everything is OK, but are completely unaware that everyone around them knows something is wrong. They think they are hiding it, but it is plain to see.

Paul wrote that he was strongest when he was weakest (2Cor 12:10). When he was willing to live in that weakness, not trying to hide behind some fake facade, then God’s power could take over, making the impossible possible.

So in defeat I went to my bedroom and put on a different shirt, one that would hide the sweat. The sweat is still there, but people can’t see it. I guess I just became better at hiding my real self! Yikes! That isn’t what I want. I want people to see the real me. But I hear in a voice in my head reminding me of what my loving wife might say, “Yes, but they don’t want to smell the real you!”

I put on more deodorant!

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