Blessed are the Feet … Pedicure Moments

We are flying to Okinawa, Japan in just a few short days from today.  

My husband and I have settled into a wonderful, retired rhythm here in the Sunshine State.  We are near our grown children and their families.  Life is good. This post-Army life was our new normal.  
Out of the blue, we were shown a need and then offered an opportunity to serve a congregation in Okinawa, Japan!!  
It happens to be surrounded by American military.  The fit seemed right. God began confirming things for us three months ago when it was in the planning stage.  We were getting a repeated “YES” at every turn.  
But now and then, you just want to make sure you heard God correctly.  Japan, Lord?  You want me to go to Japan?
And just like our Heavenly Father, He brings a lovely retired Air Force spouse into my life.   She sat down beside me for a pedicure!  This lovely lady, with a sweet Southern drawl, and I began the ‘normal’ conversation thing…”how long have you lived here” …”where are you from” … etc. Within a few minutes, she told me they were retired Air Force.
Well, that opened the FLOOD GATE. And what are the odds that she just happened to retire out of Kadena Air Force Base in Okinawa, Japan???!!!!!!!!!!
I’d say it’s 100% in this ONE encounter! I looked at her and said, “This is not accidental. This is truly providential that you were sat beside me for a pedicure.”  (Did I mention we will be able to see Kadena in the distance, from our temporary residence?!).  
This sweet 84 year old lady named Charlotte and I became bonded immediately. We shared stories about our kids’ experiences and living in foreign lands. We swapped stories of hardship and war. We knew each other well, by the time our pedicures were finished.  I was beyond blessed by the end of our conversation.
In Japan, we will be sharing the Good News. We are looking forward to showing the love of Jesus to this congregation and those beyond the walls of the church.  
Romans 10:15 says, “And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” (NLT).  I love the King James take on the latter part of the same verse, “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!  
God really has blessed our feet as we bring His Good News!  Doubly blessed because I have an awesome pedicure!  God continues to bless my socks off as friends and family have sent their love through support, encouragement and prayers.  Wow, God! You’re going to do good and great things!  
Thank you Lord for sending that confirmation through Charlotte today, along with the emotional hug! I am ready for Okinawa, Japan!  Have you had a pedicure lately?  I think your feet will be blessed by it!

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