Inevitable Events

Well, the days are ticking by. Our suitcases are officially out of the closet. Many odds and ends around the house are getting finished. We can almost pull the car into the garage for storage during our trip! I think this is going to actually happen. Okinawa, I hope you are ready for us.

Sometimes life’s events take us by surprise. They just flash into our lives like a bolt of lightening and throw us into blindness and disorientation. Most of us have had those experiences. And if not, don’t worry, you will before it is over.

For some people, they act as though the inevitable events just won’t interrupt their lives. They will somehow escape if they just ignore it. Like some cultures won’t make eye contact with you, because to make eye contact means you exist, and they don’t want you to exist and mess up their chosen path through life. So some people just ignore the inevitable.

How many times I have seen people do a career in the military and act surprised when the certificate of retirement is handed to them. They haven’t sufficiently thought about, let alone planned for what comes next. They wander aimlessly. Some die suddenly under the lack of purpose and direction. Some are forced in directions that are not of their choosing because they didn’t plan.

One of those inevitable events is death. If Jesus doesn’t return, we will all hit that brick wall. And yet some people don’t say the things they need to say before they don’t get a chance to say it. The “I appreciate” statements that are left unsaid. The “I love you” moments that just aren’t expressed.

Hebrews 9:27 “Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.” We can try to run from this truth, or we can embrace it.

For us, Okinawa is one embracing moment. We don’t know how many more we will have. We don’t want regrets. We don’t want to say, “I wonder if we should have?” We want to say, “Thank you, LORD, for what you did through us.”

Our biggest need is your prayer support. Anything that gets accomplished will not be us. Any good will have to be Him. So please pray.

The Lord is amply supplying our needs. But if you want to join us, no obligation intended, here is a link. Opportunity to support

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