What To Pack

What is the longest trip away from home you have packed for with only a suitcase? How do you choose what to bring and what to leave behind?

We have moved many times as a family, but with a truck, or trailer, or a PODS. In the Army I used a duffel bag and a foot locker. How do you plan for the needs of 90+ days!

Well, the suitcases are coming out this week. The loose ends at the house are being wrapped up. Sixteen days until we catch our first flight.

And we each pack so differently. I could probably fit all I need in one medium suitcase. She needs a few more things, a little more variety, a few more options. So we will each take a large suitcase to check, and a small one to put in the overhead bin. Essentials in the bin. Extras in the cargo compartment.

Life is filled with choices about what is important. We constantly have to choose what we will leave behind, and what we will carry forward. When difficult things happen to us, we must choose. We can keep getting bigger suitcases to carry life’s burdens, or we can sort through and discard. Some things are not worth the burden of carrying.

So you might wonder, why the two suitcases if you could fit your stuff in a medium sized one? Well, we want the option to bring a few things back for kids, grand kids, and of course a couple things for ourselves, as a way to remember our ministry there.

You see, life’s suitcases carry more than just the negative experiences we have endured. They can also carry the joys and exhilaration. Life is more than just one bad event after another. There are good moments as well.

Maybe we need to spend more time putting some of those positive things in our suitcases and dumping the heavy burdens. Let’s lighten our loads.

For those who want to support our endeavor, here is the link. No pressure, just an option.

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