We Know – Part Three

1 John 5:20

          I want to simplify your life. That’s right! There really is one main goal in life. All other goals are secondary and derivative. There is only one pursuit that pulls us toward eternity and ensures that connection. There are many worthy short term goals in life. Some of these goals will last a lifetime. But only one will last beyond this life. And this is the goal that is worth pursuing.
          I keep toying with the idea of getting my Doctorate. It is the next degree in my flight path. But then I pause and ask myself, what do I gain by getting that degree? I gain some knowledge. I lose some money. I gain a piece of paper. I lose some time. My ego gets stroked. Some possible job opportunities could be opened up to me. I get a few pats on the back.
          But it would be a whole lot of work! And I just can’t justify the costs in time and talent in the pursuit. It might be nice to be called Dr. Arnold, but I like Stan much better. I am, after all, a pretty simple guy. I don’t like too much ceremony or spotlight time. I want my life to be a mirror reflecting the glory of Jesus. A Doctorate might get in the way.
          Are there goals that might get in your way as you pursue knowing God? They may be good goals, but they might sidetrack you from the main goal. And this is some of what John saw as the false teachers began their work. They were sidetracking the Christian faith. They rejected aspects of the reality of Jesus, either His full humanity or His full Deity. They placed barriers between us and God.
          But John repeatedly emphasizes that we can know the LORD. We can have intimate fellowship with Him. Because Jesus repaired the connection between God and humankind, we can enjoy what we were originally designed to enjoy. We can walk in the garden in the cool of the evening. We can live without shame.
          We can know the One who is true. The LORD isn’t just someone who knows truth, He is true itself. He is the true North of all experience. If we align ourselves with Him, we will always be on course in life and in eternity. So when we are in Jesus, we are in the One who lived a life perfectly aligned to the will of the Father.
          So today, as you look at your schedule and evaluate priorities, remember that you are in Him. Our greatest priority is to know Him more.

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