First Moves

          The first move is often the most important. New technologies are often about the first move in a new direction. Chess has only so many first moves, some better than others. In dating relationships, it is that first move that often takes the most courage. I know it takes courage to ask someone to marry you. At least it did me!
          The person who takes initiative in life will often get ahead. They are thinking about and planning for the future. They aren’t afraid to step out and start. Or they are able to overcome their fear and get going. If we only react to circumstances in life, we will always be on the defensive. We will feel like life is out of control, like we don’t matter. The more we are able to take the initiative, the better we will feel about ourselves and life in general. Always reacting to circumstance puts us in an almost untenable position.
          Living in a world where you don’t feel like you have any say in what happens can be very frustrating. We all want some say in our lives, some sense of control. And if we don’t learn to step up and take some initiative, we will end up on the bottom of the pile. We will cower when we need to make decisions.
          As parents, we need to gradually allow our children to make decisions for themselves and then learn from their mistakes. Starting in their preteen years, we need to begin to let go of the reigns, slowly and deliberately. We need to let our children make small mistakes and then be there to help them recover. We don’t take away the consequences, but simply provide them the safety net that allows them to venture out on their own. If we don’t let go slowly, most often their first years away from home will be filled with mistakes, both big and small. And then they will have to learn how to make good choices, when they should have learned that when they were under your roof.
          Our passage tells us that the LORD took the initiative when it comes to our relationship with Him. He loved us first and foremost. He started the plan of redemption long before we were ever born. He loves. We respond to that love. He sought us out. We say His hand reaching for us in our darkness and lifted our hand as He grasped us. We responded.
          We were in a pickle when it came to our sin and the consequences of that sin.

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