
1 John 4:1

          We live in a world of “the new.” Almost every aspect of life is driven by the latest and greatest. You never see advertisements for “last year’s model.” Instead, advertisement drives us to feel inferior if we keep last year’s model rather than upgrading or trading it in. How many old cell phones do you have hanging around in your junk drawer?
          I learned an old saying that goes something like this: If it’s true, it isn’t new. And if it’s new, it isn’t true. Now this doesn’t apply to some scientific discoveries or the newest app, but it does apply to spiritual truths. God’s Truth never changes. He has wanted a relationship with His creation since the beginning. He provided a way for us to enter, our sins having been forgiven and our standing before Him restored.
          But there is someone who wants to drive a wedge between us and our Creator. And no, it’s not your mother-in-law. He drives division and deceit. And we are responsible to keep our eyes and ears open to these deceptions. We have a responsibility to identify them and to point them out to others.
          My pastor, as part of Resurrection Sunday, spent some time pointing out the truth about Islam and other belief systems. He boldly proclaimed the truth without holding back. He did it without vilifying or demeaning. He told the truth.
          John tells us in our text that it is our job to examine the messages that come into our lives. There are people, false prophets, who will try to pull us off course. They may have a form of godliness, but they lack the power. They may even have some power, but the power drives away from godliness, rather than toward it. The end of their teaching is anything but the truth of Christ. They end up serving self and self-interests.
          The end of the Christian life is selfless service of others and right relationship with God and man. We end up dying to our selfish interests rather than indulging them. We can watch the lives of those who are bringing some new teaching, a teaching that is different from the Gospel, and see the outcome of their teaching. We can look at their lives and see.
          So next time you are tempted to follow some new teaching, guard your heart. Deception is not a new phenomenon. It started in the beginning. And it continues today.

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