Untangling the Web

Psalm 25:12-22

          Have you ever uttered words like this: How will I ever get out of this mess? I think most of us find ourselves caught up in the results of our own dumb choices at some point in our lives. And the first step in recovery is to admit it. And admitting it requires us to accept some new information that perhaps we never knew or maybe previously chose to ignore.
          And admitting it isn’t only for alcoholics and drug addicts. Every Jesus-follower must admit that they are sinners and need a savior. This is where a godly, reverent fear of the LORD comes into the picture. He is in charge, after all. When we surrender we give up the right to kick and scream at His direction for our lives.
          I love that our text begins by saying that He will instruct us in the ways we should choose. He lays out the way, and we must choose to follow that way. He doesn’t force us to make the choice. We can choose to do the stupid again if we want. We can choose to rebel against His authority, but then we miss out on the inheritance He has lined up for us. When we rebel we give up the promised future and ensuing blessings.
          When we choose His path He lets us in on what He is doing. We get the inside scoop. This doesn’t mean that He tells us everything, but that we know more than others about what He has planned. He helps us to understand the covenant, His commitment to us. He lets us know what our obligations are, so that we can be obedient. I don’t mind being held responsible for a standard that I know. I hate being punished for failing to keep a standard I didn’t know. The LORD tells us what He expects so that we can set our hearts on pleasing Him.
          When the inevitable difficulties of life come, we can count on the LORD to be present with us in the middle of the storm and bring us out safely on the other side. When we are bound to Him through surrender, He is bound to us in protection. Just as no shame can be attached to Him, no shame comes our way as we yield to Him. That is why we can have confidence as we pray for His help.
          Even if we get caught up in a snare that we didn’t see, He will untangle us and make sure we are released. Snares are not set by friends. Stares are set by enemies, poachers, hunters, and the vindictive. They are set with the eye to bringing travel to a halt. And once you are caught in a snare, it can be very difficult to get yourself out. This is the nature of a snare. We need outside help.
          Are you willing to ask for help?

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