Self-Correcting Guidance

Psalm 25:1-11

          With the drive to invent and perfect self-driving cars and the rise of robots in some parts of the world, Japan in particular, there are some who see humans on the verge of being taken over by robots. They will replace and have replaced some factory workers. No union negotiations needed! They have replaced information booth people and concierge services with a computer kiosk. Google has taken over the reference librarian’s job. Physical maps are almost a thing of the past, so there go those jobs.
          The one thing about the self-driving cars that we need to know is that they are constantly collecting data from the outside world in order to do their job. They are connected to satellites to know exactly where they are on the road. They collect distance data from all the other objects around them so that they don’t bump into other cars and people. When traffic slows, they slow. They may be self-driving, but they certainly aren’t independent. They need input and lots of it.
          Our writer tells us about his sources of input. He lets us in on where he finds direction and wisdom to navigate his world. And that source is the LORD. And that navigation starts with plugging into Him. Putting our trust in Him is the orienting anchor. The LORD acts like the navigational GPS; our connection to Him keeps us moving in the right direction. Without trust, we will keep grabbing the wheel and overriding His will for our lives. We have to let go and trust that He knows what He is doing, that He has the best in store for us, that things are not out of His control. We must trust that shame is not coming our way if we follow Him. Shame is a very powerful motivation to avoid things. Shame can paralyze us. With Him, there is no shame in our future.
          Our writer then asks for specific instructions, specific input from the LORD for his journey. He needs his map updated. He wants to have the LORD teach him the paths of life, to guide and direct. This is not a onetime event. This is constant, interactive and engaging communication.
          Can you imagine if your GPS voice caught an attitude when you didn’t follow its directions? You miss a few times and then it starts to call you names and insulting your intelligence. The more you ignore it, the worse it gets. It wouldn’t be long before it would be pitched out the window.
          Our writer wants the LORD to guide him based on his current relationship with the LORD and not on his past history. He wants mercy and love rather than what he deserves. Isn’t that what you want? I like mercy and love!
          We often look on instruction as a negative thing, don’t we? But the LORD’s character requires instruction. Not only do sinners need instruction, like how to start a relationship with the LORD, but every person needs to know His way. Humility is the starting point of all instruction. If we think we know it all, we certainly don’t think we need anyone telling us anything. Humble people are ready and willing to accept the influence of others. So knowing that the LORD is loving and faithful makes it easy to listen to His instruction.
          And humility recognizes the need for forgiveness, not just when we begin our journey of faith, but as an ongoing process of our faith. Are you ready to take a course offered by the LORD?

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