Psalm 23:3-6 – Ready for the Journey

Psalm 23:3-6

          One of the greatest problems for Jesus-followers today is that we aren’t ready for the spiritual journey ahead. We too often become complacent in our walk. We make time for everything else in our lives, but we don’t make time for refueling and re-energizing. We fill our calendars with pursuits of every imaginable shape and size, and in doing so we push our spiritual health to the back-burner. Jesus’ words “Seek first” are ringing in my ears.
          We all want stability in our lives, even if that stability is constant change. Only a few personality types thrive on the unexpected and dangerous. The rest of us want to calculate our risk. We don’t necessarily avoid risk, but we do want to have some idea about the probability of success. We want to know the reason for the risk; we don’t want to put our life on the line for nothing.
          This much loved psalm continues to talk about the LORD’s care and protection in our lives. He provides us with the refreshing that we need. But He does this in order to guide us on our journey. We can’t stay in the green pastures forever. Once we are refreshed it is time for the journey. Some people want to camp out on the mountaintop experiences of life. They want to stay on the vacations forever. But life isn’t one big long vacation.
          This is where relationship with the Shepherd is needed. He promises to guide us on safe paths. They are safe because He is with us. Even the darkest places, the most dangerous spots in life can feel safe if we are with Him.
          One of the most dangerous places in the ancient world for a traveler was a steep valley or ravine. It is easy for an enemy to ambush you from above. They can cut off the entrance and exit and you are a sitting duck. Even in Afghanistan’s mountainous regions today, soldiers hate these types of valleys. And Afghanistan is filled with these things. We always want to put one of our people up on top of the cliff to keep watch and provide a set of eyes.
          Just like sheep, in order for us to grow we must move. We can’t stay in the same pasture forever. No matter how comfortable our current circumstance, growth requires movement. And for a sheep, movement means that the shepherd is with them. The shepherd’s walking stick and protective weapon, his rod and staff, are there to keep me safe. And when I am safe I feel comforted.
          Sheep have few defenses. They are easy prey for a wolf or other predator. That is why the shepherd is armed. So even when the enemy is close at hand the sheep can graze and rest securely. The wolves wouldn’t dare attack when the shepherd is awake and vigilant. We are the honored guests at His banquet. That is what the oil did in their day. The honored guests would have perfume put on their head, something that they liked. I am not sure I want someone pouring scented oil on my head, but that is me. But I do like it when someone honors me with a meal and makes me feel special.
          The reward of a life as a sheep is present both now and in the future. How can we not experience blessing when the Creator of the Universe is at our side. He is able to satisfy our deepest longings. He has enough to fill life’s cup so that we are satisfied with His provision.
          Are you willing to submit to the Shepherd’s guidance?

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