Another Warning

Mark 13:21-23

      There have always been people who grab the spotlight, even before spotlights were invented. Some people just have to be the center of attention. Their story has to be told, because they think it is the most important story in the room. Their voice has to be heard, because what they say everyone needs to hear. Often they get into politics! Or Hollywood!
      When I hear hot air exiting someone like this, I just shake my head. I am becoming a person of fewer and fewer words. What I have to say is not that important most of the time. Except right now, of course. Don’t stop reading, because this is important. (SMILE)
      Jesus is answering a question from His disciples about the timing of Jerusalem’s destruction and the end of things, the setting up of His Kingdom. He gave them a heads up about getting too excited about world events. They are just the beginning signs. Even when things get really bad, after persecution has come, it still isn’t time to panic. They are just signals that the LORD is still in control.
      There will be people who will claim they are Jesus returned to set up His Kingdom. In my lifetime there have been several people who have gathered a following, people willing to swallow a false pill. Jesus warns us again to be on guard. There will be people who make the claim that they are Jesus, the Messiah. They might even have some flash/bang to demonstrate their identity.
      Remember, Satan has some power as well. The Egyptian magicians copied the signs Moses’ did on the LORD’s behalf when he was trying to convince the Pharaoh to release the Israelites from bondage. Fancy ‘miracles’ don’t account for much. We are never supposed to put our trust in miracles. Our eyes are to be fixed on Jesus.
      When we believe a person can save us from ______ (you fill in the blank), then we are placing our trust in the wrong place. Many had hopes that a certain twice elected official would be able to do what no other politician could do. He even received a prize before he had done anything. But at every turn, disappointment. Even he couldn’t deliver. The world had hopes. Dashed.
      These flash/bang things done as proof of identity will be spectacular. Many will be deceived. The goal is to deceive even God’s people. But it won’t be successful. Why? Because, we are on guard. We know it is coming, so when it arrives, we will know what it is. We won’t be taken in by some flashy glitz. We will recognize it for what it is: empty words.
      Of course the problem with this warning is that we are now responsible for paying attention. We can no longer use the excuse that we didn’t know. We must stop being taken in by the promises of people to fix the problem, big or small. What the world needs now is love, Jesus’ love, love that tells the truth about sin and the only solution for that sin, Jesus’ death and resurrection. Love without truth merely deceives.
      When someone is caught in sin, we have a responsibility to lovingly out of the sin. Do you have that power? I don’t. But I know Someone who does. Jesus. He is the Good News. Sin must be recognized and acknowledged before the only medicine will be accepted. No one will take Chemo unless the diagnosis of cancer has been confirmed. No one would risk a heart transplant unless they knew their heart was about to fail. No one would willingly have their leg amputated unless they knew the infection couldn’t be stopped.
      The failure of these false prophets is that they won’t speak the Truth about sin. Are you speaking the Truth to yourself about your own sin and the need you have for Jesus?

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