Caught in a Trap

Mark 11:31-32

      Sometimes you just don’t know how to answer a question. You might have been caught off guard, not expecting any question at that moment. Or it might be the question itself, the content of the question, that takes you by surprise. You might have expected questions, but not THAT question. Your mind goes into a spin trying to figure out how to answer. You can barely keep yourself from looking shocked and off balance.
      This happens to everyone from time to time. Students try to keep their heads down so the teacher won’t call on them. Others try to look busy as the questioner’s gaze circles the room. The conference table can get pretty small in those moments. You don’t dare look up, so you just bury yourself in your distracting activity.
      Some people are better at thinking on their feet than others. Their personalities don’t need much time to process an answer. Others need time to process. They really want to give you an answer later, after they have had time to gather the facts and distill a good response.
      For these religious leaders who came to Jesus with questions, they weren’t expecting to have to give answers themselves. They were on the offensive. They were there to trip Jesus up. The last thing they expected was to be questioned.
      So they deliberate. They don’t know how to answer. No matter what they say, they are caught. Either they get discredited by Jesus for not obeying John the Baptist’s message, or they are put on the defensive with the people who did accept John’s authority over their lives. They are stuck. The last thing they want to do is to validate Jesus’ authority.
      Most people don’t like to not give an answer. Not giving an answer is generally regarded as being dishonest or evasive. That is why politicians are trained to answer hard questions by not answering them. They do this very skillfully, answering every question by giving some of their own talking points. So often they get away with this evasive answering, especially if they support the values of the media.
      Often people who don’t know how to answer a particular question tell the questioner that they will “get back with the answer” at a later point in time. This gives them time to formulate a better, more reasoned answer. But, unfortunately, they often don’t get back with an answer. They are simply using it as a stalling technique. They aren’t able to say that they don’t know, or that they don’t want to answer because the answer will embarrass them somehow. So they stall.
      But what these religious leaders failed to do was really answer Jesus’ question. Jesus’ question goes right to their rebellion against the LORD’s authority in their lives. John’s authority was clearly the LORD’s authority. And so is Jesus’ authority! If they aren’t willing to commit to acknowledging the LORD’s authority in John’s life, they certainly are willing to acknowledge His authority in their lives. It is this lack of commitment to the LORD’s authority that Jesus nails.
      Are you acknowledging His authority in your life? In all areas? At all times? Or are you like these religious leaders who become evasive when asked to stand for something important? Do you come up with excuses not to answer directly to the LORD’s claim to authority in your life? Maybe it is time to give Him an answer.

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