
Mark 1:27-28

      In today’s world with smartphones and twitter, we know how to get a story out. Our society thrives on the newest story, usually of something bad or disgusting. The 24 hour news coverage was developed around this need. And is some ways it created the need. People lived just fine before CNN. And I venture to bet we would do just fine without it now. We don’t need minute by minute updates to raise our kids. We don’t need up to the moment weather updates. Has it really changed that much in the last 60 seconds? What are you going to do differently now that you are caught up on the news?
      Jesus was in the synagogue teaching and He exercises His authority by telling a screaming demon to shut up and come out of the man. Those around Him at that time know the Jesus is no ordinary teacher. This exercise of authority makes Jesus different.
      But what Jesus teaches is different as well. The teaching was unlike anything they had heard. I can imagine Him speaking plainly with clarity. He would have used illustrations from everyday life to explain the Truth about God and our relationship with Him. We see this as we read the Gospels. Jesus’ teaching is pretty simple, pretty straight forward. Most things Jesus said are pretty easy to understand and difficult to put into practice. Obedience is hard work!
      The people don’t recognize what this means, this combination of powerful teaching and exercise of authority. They don’t completely get it. Jesus has authority over the world of demons. They have never seen anything like this. It was authority with the power to back it up. You can’t keep something like this under wraps. The news spreads. In this region of Galilee the towns and villages were fairly close together. It would take very long for a message to spread.
      Mark’s focus in the Gospel is on the person of Jesus, His identity as the Servant of the LORD. As God’s Servant, He has the authority of God to do what God does, because He is God. His authority extends to the spirit realm, the realm where demons operate. Jesus has the upper hand there. He is able to stop whatever activity that might disrupt His plan.
      Jesus also speaks authoritatively about life. It is simple enough that you and I can understand, yet deep enough to keep scholars puzzled. Remember, just because we don’t understand every part of Scripture, like the events at the end of time, doesn’t mean we aren’t responsible for the things we do understand. We understand that Jesus has authority over demonic powers and we will see over the next few days that Jesus has authority in other realms as well.

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