Rock, Paper, Scissors

Proverbs 16:33

      There are some Scriptures that I struggle to understand. It is not the words that are difficult, but the application of the words. Our proverb today is one of those Scriptures. It speaks of casting lots, throwing some kind of dice that determines which alternative of choice is to be made.
      The reason I struggle with this concept is that it reminds me of gambling, heads I win, tails you lose. I want to have more say in the outcome. I don’t want to jump blindly into choices. I want to fully evaluate them, and then make a choice that I feel makes the most sense. I want time to pray about decisions. I want to be able to get godly counsel. I don’t want to trust decisions to the rolling of the dice.
      Maybe that is what makes this proverb so difficult. I would have to trust the LORD with something that seems so against His character. Do I really believe that He can be and is in the middle of every decision? Or must His decisions be filtered through my intellect? Do I really trust Him?
      I am not suggesting that everyone get a set of dice and begin making decisions based on how the dice fall. Nor am I suggesting that you use the numbers in Chinese fortune cookies to play the Lottery. Rock, paper, scissors doesn’t really work well either.
      Trusting the LORD can be a very difficult task. It takes repeated little trusting moments to train us to trust Him in the big things. 
     Are you willing to trust Him, really trust Him?

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