Proverbs 16:25 – False Advertising

Proverbs 16:25

      Looks are deceiving. I am sure you have learned this lesson in life. Like red frosting on a birthday cake, it looks good, but then…. Hopefully the frosting doesn’t lead to death, but your tongue will have an unusual hue to it.
      If we only pay attention to outward appearances, we will get frequently deceived. There are tool catalogs that sell many hand tools very inexpensively. If you only need to use the tool a few times, they are great. But after a few uses you realize why they are so cheap. Their looks covered up the cheap quality of construction. You really do get what you pay for.
      Used cars can be made to look really shiny and clean. The salesman distracts you from the imperfections by pointing out the shiny chrome and great radio. But looks can deceive.
      Some people have the ability to sell themselves, even though they are an empty bag. They promise one thing, and when it comes time to deliver you find out all they had were empty words. They had no substance behind their words.
      Some choices in life can look good when they are first presented. If you act on them in the moment, you don’t have time to think about what you are doing. You don’t have time to evaluate the second and third order effects.
      Timeshare sales promotions take advantage of this incapacity to process decisions. They tell you all the positive points from their perspective. They get you agreeing with them about how wonderful it would be to vacation in a place like this every year. They pitch the economic matters by telling you it will only cost a dollar. They leave out that it is a dollar a minute!  
      Our proverb tells us that things can appear right, but really be deadly. Slow down. Take time to make decisions. Pray. Get Godly counsel. Slow down.

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