Instruction Sheets

Proverbs 16:20

      The long-standing myth is that men don’t ask for directions. The corollary is that men don’t read the directions when assembling products that come in a box. If these two statements are true, I must not be a man!
      I like GPSs. I like Google Maps. I like reading the funny “English” that ends up on the Chinese product instruction manuals. I like instructions. In fact, if I enter a group and no one is taking charge in order to accomplish the task, I help provide structure so that we get things done. I am willing to provide instructions!
      Some people don’t like instructions. They want life to be free-flowing, loosey-goosey. And they rebel against any kind of constraint on their behavior. And if you go to a university today, chances are you will be taught that all limits to behavior are wrong. The professors teach that all lifestyles, all moral choices, all value systems are equally valid and equally invalid. (All except Christianity, which is invalid and intolerant!)
       I have six grandchildren. I am glad that their parents are providing them structure, rules about life and living as a family. The values taught by the rules will suit them well as they mature. They are learning to respect authority. They are learning that they have value because they are made in God’s image. They are loved. They are learning that someone else sets the rules in life.
      Have you accepted that the LORD sets the rules in life? Or are you still bucking against His rules? As the Creator, He has every right to set the rules of this game we call life. And we are blessed if we pay attention to those rules, consistently and wholeheartedly.
      When we live by His rules, life seems to make sense. Does life not make sense to you right now? Perhaps you are not listening to His voice and obeying.

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