Donut Shop

Proverbs 16:17

      If I have a problem with alcohol, I should avoid bars. A problem with internet porn, unprotected computers. A problem with impulse shopping, shopping alone without a list. Controlling my calorie intake, a $6.95 all-you-can-eat buffet. We all have some things that are hard for us to resist. We are all sinful. We live in a broken world, a world where the values contradict the values of the Gospel.
      The path we choose to walk makes a big difference, not only in the destination, but the journey. There are multiple ways to get to San Jose. Some would require only a few turns, a few changes of road, difficult to get off track. Some would be very complicated and involve many chances to get lost. We often get a choice of path to a destination. Which one we choose and why says a lot about us and our character.
      Our proverb states something directly about the paths that people seeking to live in line with the character of God walk. They purposely avoid evil. They don’t even go near it. They guard themselves against these influences. And in the process they preserve their life. They protect themselves from the things that would pull them down.
      I don’t know what things pull you down. For every one of us the combination of temptations is different, but we all have them. None of us is exempt. So we each have to be aware of our weaknesses and walk accordingly. I personally have to avoid donut shops. Really! I love donuts. If I let myself, I would have a couple every day, and I would soon look like a donut! But I can’t afford them because of their cost, both monetary and calorie costs.
      What circumstances do you need to avoid? What one should you have been avoiding, but you haven’t been? Now would be a good time to start to plan your life differently. You may have to recite this proverb when you pass by your donut shop temptation, but you can overcome and preserve your life.

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