Veto Power

Proverbs 16:9

      The power to veto a decision can keep things in balance. The buck has to stop somewhere. Someone has to be responsible for decisions being made. It can’t always be someone else’s fault. Psychiatrists have a name for people who always point the finger in other people’s direction. They are called Narcissists. Unfortunately, some politicians are Narcissists.
      Most of us want to have some stability in our lives. We want and need some sense of control. This control often gets expressed in the plans that we think about and make. We really are planning creatures.
      Some people have been so hurt by past experiences that they feel the need to control everything they can. Often those who grow up in chaotic households, like homes with alcoholic parents, grab as much control as they can. That is because there was so much they couldn’t control as a kid. To provide themselves with safety they turn to controlling the smallest details, because the big items in life were crazy out of control.
      But even the most well-grounded of us makes plans. Sometimes our plans are to have no plans! We plan for vacations. We plan for a wedding. We plan for retirement.
      One thing we need to remember: the LORD has veto power in our lives. If we are submitting to Him, we give Him the right to change things around. He will establish our steps. He is the one that lays out the path, and it is up to us to walk it.
      The earlier we can get in line with His steps, the easier it will be to walk. If our plans are constantly being course-corrected by being in tune with Him, then the changes to our plans will be relatively minor ones. We will be listening and obeying.

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