Eyes in the Sky

Proverbs 15:3

      The role of surveillance has been in the news, sparking a debate over privacy and national security. Because of my profession, I have assumed that everything I do is open to scrutiny, that nothing I do is done without the possibility that someone is listening in. I haven’t assumed that I have privacy.
      I watch people post all sorts of things on Facebook and Twitter. Young folks especially put it all out there. And once it is out there, there is no taking it back. Future employers, spouses, teachers, security experts, background checkers and anyone who want to snoop can now find all that stuff. The attitude you express when someone makes you mad. It is there for all to see. Your political opinions and hot-button issues are presented unfiltered. The organizations and causes you ‘like’ now have documented history. Your purchasing history, even if you purchase at a local store with a credit card, is available and mined by companies hoping to cash in on your cash.
      And the surveillance doesn’t stop with electronic types of transactions. If you travel you are monitored. If you drive through a major city, you get your license plate entered into the database. Cameras capture you face and log you. At an airport, forget it. They have you.
      I am not advocating ‘dropping off the grid’ as a way to avoid surveillance. We are to be in the world, but not of the world. Our lives are an open book anyway we look at it.
      Our proverb says that the LORD has us under surveillance 24/7 365. He picks up even the attitudes of our heart that never get expressed. And His database never crashes. His memory is perfect.
      For some this is a very scary thought. For me, it gives me a measure of accountability. I can’t do things without His eyes observing, so I watch what I do. His listening ear is always tuning in to my frequency, so I try to watch what I say and think.
      There is another side to this watching. I am never alone. He is always a prayer away. He knows my circumstances. He is acquainted with my ways. He knows my struggles, better than I know them myself. He is ready to provide forgiveness for each and every offense we have committed. Jesus death paid the price for us. Our tab has been paid.

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