
Proverbs 10:22-25

There is a blessing that comes to those who are obedient to the LORD. This is not an automatic ticket to worldly wealth, but a path to enough. We are not talking about the 500+ million dollar lottery jackpot winner from last week. For most lottery winners, the money ends up being a curse.
When the LORD blesses good things happen. We read of those who received God’s blessing like Abraham who became very wealthy, but kept a humble spirit. I consider myself a wealthy man. I have a roof over my head. Air conditioning when I need it. Food to nourish my body. Family and friends to journey with. Fruitful interactions with others. What more could I want?
By contrast the wicked create schemes to try to get rich. Instead of obedience, the wicked try to get over on the system. Honest work just won’t satisfy. Watch out for people who are always looking for the new angle. There are a thousand other schemers ready to sell them some “guaranteed” way to get rich, secure their future, invest in real estate, beat the stock market, learn the insider secrets…. They make their money off selling you their “secret” not by using their method.
Verses 24 & 25 talk about the fear factor. When we aren’t trusting the LORD we are trusting someone or something else. There is no firmer ground to stand on than the LORD. He will never let you down. He has unlimited perspective. He knows what will happen tomorrow, so He is able to guide and direct in ways that avoid disasters that can’t be used for His glory.
This of course does not mean that bad things don’t happen to those who are obedient. We live in a fallen world and bad things can happen to everyone. But even in the worst circumstances the righteous have a confidence in Him. They are not abandoned. Even death has lost its dread.
So when a storm hits you, keep looking up. It may feel as if you are alone, but He is right there, walking beside you, feeling your hurt and pain. If you ever doubt it, remember the Cross.

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