
Proverbs 8:12-21

Prudence is a word that has lost its meaning it today’s world. We have lost the ability, or perhaps more correctly the will, to govern and discipline ourselves by using our reasoning. I think we have instead developed the ability to use our reason to make up excuses for our lack of self-control. When an individual or a society expresses prudence, there is a stabilizing effect on the whole system. If we govern ourselves well, others around us also tend to govern themselves well.
The writer says that prudence and wisdom are roommates. They hang out together with another pair, knowledge and discretion. Their behavior is contrasted with that of pride, arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. Which kind of people would you want to be in business with, having control over your money?
Wisdom drives all that is truly good and just in the world. As we listen to the news and hear reports of group violence and mob behavior in some of our cities, we can see the ravaging affects of ignoring wisdom producing fruit. When there is no right and wrong that is accepted by the society and reinforced through all means, then anarchy takes hold. Looting becomes the norm. Lying becomes the expected.
But when the first four are given space to work, justice is the outcome. The natural fruit of wisdom is all that people gain what is valuable (vv18-21). But if we seek these ends in themselves, we will try to shortcut the process of wisdom. We will sacrifice long term stability for short term gain. If we seek wisdom, we get wealth that will pass from generation to generation, not just the physical kind of wealth either. Justice and righteousness are the environment in which wealth takes its proper place. Outside of justice and righteousness, wealth corrupts to the very core.
Well, with whom are you going to become roommates? Wisdom or foolishness?

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