
Ephesians 2:1-10

Why do we expect non-Jesus-Followers to act differently than they do? Paul states is very plainly, they are dead! We used to be dead as well (v3). Sometimes we forget this when we expect others, even leaders, to act with more integrity than they do. Dead people don’t act ethically, unless they happen on the right behavior by accident. Dead people do right when the right thing is laying down in a coffin!
But God did something in us (vv4-5). God did it! Never forget that. We get no credit. His great love and mercy accomplished it in our lives. We didn’t stand in His way. He won’t bowl us over. He won’t push His way into our lives. We must allow Him to work in us. He could, but He chooses not to negate our will. Our choices are real choices, because we are made in His image and His choices are real choices. Notice who does all the action in these verses. God made us alive, raised us up, seated us with Him, and show the riches of His grace (vv5-7).
And why does He do this? Verses seven and ten give us two reasons. The first is for the future highlighting of His grace. I picture an awards ceremony where someone is being honored after years of faithful service to an organization. A long line extends to the left of the stage as those who want to say their words of honor to the recipient line up. One by one, they come to the podium and render honor. Each expresses, not what they have done, but what the recipient did. It is all about the recipient. In the future, everyone, heavenly and earthly, will see that it was the LORD.
The second reason focuses on our life here and now. We are here to accomplish good works. Not just any good works, but good works that He has already written in the blueprint (v10). We are not to be mavericks doing our own think “in the name of the Kingdom.” Instead, we are to be following the lead of the Holy Spirit, carefully following each detail of His plan as He reveals it. It is His plan, His work, His energy, His grace, His glory. Don’t forget this.

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