The Twenty-Plus-Seven’s

Psalm 27, 57, 87, 117, 147

We could all use a bit more confidence! Psalm 27 tells of an unexpected source of confidence. The writer, facing an advancing army, draws in close to the LORD and recognizes that from that position, he has nothing to fear. Imagine that, an army coming toward you and you are not afraid! He recognizes that in the LORD is safety (v5). That does not mean that we will live forever without any pain or suffering here on earth. We live in a world marred by sin, and we get the effects of that brokenness in our lives, even when we are Jesus-followers. Even the writer has to focus his attentions of trusting the LORD (v8), and on patience (v14).
 A steadfast heart is what we need when we feel overwhelmed (Ps 57:7). It is easy to get distracted and look at all the troubles coming our direction (vv4 & 6). Twice in this psalm (vv 5 & 11) the writer say “Be exalted, O God.” Of course we know that He already is exalted, but the writer doesn’t see it. He wants that exalted position to be made evident in his life and his world. Do you need Him to be exalted in that way in your life? I hope so!
In the life of Israel Jerusalem held a special spot (Ps 87). When someone was born there it held special significance. Even Israel’s enemies at times acknowledged the special place of Jerusalem (v4). I have several places that hold special significance in my spiritual life. Maastricht Holland, Oberusel Germany, Allison United Methodist Church, Baghdad International Airport. Each hosted an event at the LORD’s invitation where I encountered Christ in a new way. Each brought death for me and life in Christ. Each involved more surrender and more filling. I am open to more encounters.
Sometimes I wish the Psalmists had written down the music they sang with the psalms that they wrote. I want to hear their rendition Psalm 117. This two verse psalm keeps me focused. Everyone praise Him because of his faithful love toward us. It is a simple message. Let’s do it.
Do enjoy praising God? We should (Ps 147:1)! The writer lists some things that he sees that give him reason to praise the LORD (vv2-6 & 8-9). He delights in us when we put our hope in Him (v11). We shouldn’t trust in our own resources to live our lives. No earthly entity, including the government, is our source of security, though they do play a role. We are to trust in the LORD. He brings strength and peace (vv13-14).

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