The Ten’s

Psalm 10, 40, 70, 100, 130

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I wonder why some people seem to get all the breaks in life (Ps 10:5). In those times it can seem as though the LORD is far away from you (v1). Arrogance and evil permeate our society more and more. According to recent news reports the flash mobs in NYC are to the point that the police are unable to do anything to stop them. Anarchy has begun in small ways. In moments like this we want the LORD to get involved immediately (v12 & 15). Notice that those who are on the sidelines and who are victims especially turn to the LORD for help and support (vv14, 17-18). So even when evil men seem to get away with it, God uses the evil to draw people to Himself.
When relief comes, Oh what a feeling! Psalm 40 records the aftermath of just such a moment. The LORD has intervened and rescued (v1). The writer is drawn into worship (vv2-5). Then he tells what the LORD really desires (vv6-8), our hearts. And after that he tells others about God’s goodness (vv9-10). The psalm continues with themes of humility and confession, as well as a dose of justice.
Psalm 70 is a short psalm written in a time of intense need. The writer feels under personal attack and desperately needs the LORD’s intervention. I like the contrast between his expectation of the LORD’s ability to help and his own inability (v5). He is poor and needy. I am poor and needy. He doesn’t want delay. Neither do I.
Psalm 100 is a jubilant song of worship. There is no shame in exuberant expressions in worship. We don’t need to be constrained in our outward demonstrations of joy. The LORD made us. We are His. He will take care of us. He is faithful.
Have you ever cried out to the LORD “out of the depths”? (Ps 130:1) I know I have. In those moments of desperation, every fiber of our being is brought into God’s presence. Nothing is held back (v5). In those moments there is a joining of the knowledge of our own brokenness and lack, and God’s fullness and provision. Forgiveness makes it possible for us to stand before Him (v4). So when you get desperate for the LORD, that is a good thing!

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