The Five’s

Psalm 5, 35, 65, 95, 125

Directional worship was part of Biblical worship. They sometimes prayed in a particular direction (Ps 5:7), toward the Temple in Jerusalem. God promised many things, and the Temple came to symbolized God’s interventions into history. As long as the Temple stood, God’s presence was tangible. So when they were far away, they were told to focus their attention in worship toward Jerusalem as a way to anchor their worship in God’s promises and His presence.
Psalm 35 has our writer at the pointed end of an enemy’s spear. He needs the LORD to intervene and take care of them. His enemies have used every trap against him (vv7-8) and he wants the LORD to turn the tables and use those very things against them. He was compassionate toward them (vv13-14), but when he was hurting they rejoiced instead (vv15-16, 24b-25). No wonder he asks “How long?” (v17).
Too often we don’t focus on what the LORD has done in our lives and in history. We see our presence circumstances as overwhelming and lose sight of God’s greatness and His willingness to intervene in history on behalf of His people. Psalm 65 lays out some of the reasons for hope. He points to answered prayer (v5) and the Creation itself to show the LORD’s care. He provides for His people.
Psalm 95 starts with a call to gather and worship the LORD because of His greatness as demonstrated in Creation (vv3-5). Then there is another call to gather in humility (vv6-7). And finally a cautionary charge. It is too easy to become hard and not listen to what God is saying. We become comfortable in our “little sins” and we choose small disobediences. The Israelites paid dearly for their little and small. As they exited Egypt they had an easy road to the Promised Land. Instead, they chose rebellion and hardship. Let us not make the same kind of mistake. Listen to the LORD and obey.
Psalm 125 is another song sung as pilgrims entered Jerusalem for worship, a steep upward journey from the Kidron Valley to Mount Zion. When we trust in the LORD we become unshakable. This happens not because of something we do, but because the LORD provides protection. The mountain they are climbing symbolizes the unshakable nature of God’s care for us. Are you trusting Him today?

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