The Three’s

Psalm 3, 33, 63, 93, 123

Have you ever needed a cheerleader on your side? We all have experienced moments when we felt down, like the boat in the old Tidy Bowl commercial, destined for elimination. This is a common experience of humans. Sometimes we just get down. Psalm 3 gives us some good direction when we do feel that way. You may continue to feel like everyone is against you, but you will also recognize God’s presence with you. You are not alone. The LORD will be protection (v3), confidant (v4), sustainer (v5), and courage (v6). He might even give them a big punch in the jaw for us (v7). Our help is in Him and the ability to continue in the middle of overwhelming odds.
Singing is not a option. Notice I didn’t say sing well, or sing on key, or sing professionally, I said sing. It is important to add our voice to our inner attitude. Psalm 33 gives us many reasons to do just that. If we can’t sing, maybe we can play the guitar or some other instrument. We praise the LORD because of His character (vv4-5), the Creation (vv6-9), and the strength of His plans (vv10-11). When we put the LORD first, then He watches over us (vv12-15). He provides protection from those who would attack us (vv16-19). This is reason enough to trust in Him. And when we do our hearts are filled with rejoicing.
The psalmist in Psalm 63 is in a desert, a dry and inhospitable place. And despite this physical hardship, when he thinks of the LORD, he feels fully satisfied (v5). As he spends time away from his comforts, his mind is drawn in two directions. He first remembers the LORD and draws in close. But he also thinks of his enemies (vv9-10). He wants them destroyed. He doesn’t want mercy extended. Their actions have put him where he is unjustly. He wants justice! Have you ever wanted justice carried out on someone who has hurt you? You are in good company.
I like the verbal image of the seas lifting up their voice in praise to the LORD. I can almost hear them building and crashing as I read verses 3 & 4 of Psalm 93. The seas have lifted up, LORD (a wave moves forward and retreats). The seas have lifted up their voice (the wave returns with a bit more force and retreats). Again the wave comes in and pounds. The application is that the LORD is more powerful than the ocean storms, than any earthly power, and we can trust in Him. When He speaks, we need to listen.
We can look to the LORD and know He will provide. Psalm 123 states this using the imagery of a slave (v2). A slave looks to their master for provision. The slave receives everything they need from their owner. So too, we receive everything we need from the LORD. A slave does not demand things from their master. They have a humble attitude, as we have a humble attitude toward the LORD (v3). We need mercy, and the LORD can provide it. They feel under attack from other people who are making fun of them for their faith. They want the LORD to intervene.

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