Day 259

Narrative of Jesus’ death  

Key Verses: 1, 5, 15, 26, 32, 39, 44,
Sometimes burning the midnight oil is not a productive thing. Jesus was arrested after dark, probably rather late in the evening. He was led for His first questioning, during which time Peter denied knowing Jesus three times. I imagine they had a messenger alert Pilate’s staff that they needed a meeting with him first thing in the morning, a matter of utmost national security.
And they show up with a carpenter, not much of a man to look at, no person of power or outward influence. Why are they wasting my time? I almost hearing him begin the questioning in a half-hearted manner. I imagine that everybody who arrives before Pilate accused of something offers a defense, a rebuttal of the charges. Jesus says nothing in His defense. Everyone is against Him, and He says nothing. The crowd would rather have a murderer released than Him. And Pilate doesn’t have enough guts to do what is right. He caves in to pressure, the ruler afraid of the powerless.
And the soldiers have some unprofessional fun at Jesus’ expense. Abu Ghraib was not the first time soldiers did stupid things during a slow time. They were brutal. Torture! They finish their dirty deeds and lead him off to be crucified. And all this before nine AM. They say people in the Army get more things done before nine AM than most people get done during their whole day. I believe it.
No truer words were ever written over the head of a condemned criminal. Jesus was their king and they rejected His kingship. And then the crowd joins in the insults. The religious leaders continue to try to discredit Him before all the people. This is their last chance to quite Him and discount His message. They challenge Jesus for a miraculous sign. He would not be manipulated. The crowd even gathers to see if the miraculous happens. But instead of chariots from the clouds or fire breathing dragons, Jesus dies.
Not all soldiers show disrespect toward Jesus. The Commander on the scene of His crucifixion knows that Jesus’ death is no ordinary death. Like the women who watched from a distance, his heart was moved. We don’t know how far it was moved, but in that moment he responded.
Pilate is surprised by Jesus rapid death. Often people could linger for days in agony. If they needed the cross for the next execution they would break the legs of the current occupant of the cross to hasten death. They could no longer life themselves to breath. Death came quickly. Jesus was dead before the expected time. He gave up His life.
Jesus’ body is prepared and placed in a rock tomb, not the usual place for a condemned criminal. They would normally be disposed of in a mass grave, or their bodies would be left for animals to devour.

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