Day 220

2 Peter 2

Deeds of false teachers 
Key Verses: 3, 9, 12, 16, 19, 22
The motives of false teachers seem to always be the same. They want power, influence and money. They will stop at nothing to get it. And this has not changed over time. Back in Peter’s day they peddled religious beliefs. In our day they often peddle money schemes, promising wealth without much work. They claim to have found or invented an easy way to get rich, which few others have discovered. If you are willing to pay them, they will teach you their secrets. Of course their secret is that they get you to pay them. That is how they get rich.
Peter gives the examples of the fallen angels, the ancient world, and Sodom and Gomorrah to show that judgment comes. But what is more important is that He spared a few individuals during the judgment: Noah, Lot and parts of their families. This is important to know when we face trials. God is able to keep us safe. We may die, but we are safe. We do not fall under judgment.
When spiritual teachers get to spewing lies, there is no end to their lying. They will say almost anything to keep their power, influence and money. Instead of their character rising to become more like Jesus, they degrade and become more like animals. Their behavior spirals out of control. Without restraints they run to ruin.
Peter’s words are not kind. He plainly names the sins of these wicked people. He does not hold back. He would be labeled “intolerant” today. Today we are not allowed to speak the truth, if the truth makes someone feel bad, or look bad. This is at least true is someone lives a life of moral integrity. If your life is filled with filth you can be sure you won’t get called on the carpet. You will be celebrated, perhaps even elected to office or given a special protected status in society.
Peter says they are slaves to depravity. We have many in our world who fit this description. We don’t use the word ‘slaves’, we use addicted. Alcohol, drugs, pornography, shopping, food, thrills, pleasure, exercise, fitness, beauty, fashion, cars, sports, thrillers. Anything that drives our lives for more and greater makes us a slave. I was talking to a coworker this week. She said she didn’t need to drink. She could go without. She just liked to drink. She used it to relax, get away, chill out. The alcohol had her. She is its slave.
But we live in a society of slaves. The sooner we personally face these forces in our own lives, and yield to Jesus instead, the better off we will be. If we don’t, we are in danger of losing everything. And when we lose it, our lives are doubly worse. Like a dog or a pig, we return with a vengeance to our filth.

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