Day 108

Memorize: Principles for Christian lifestyle

Colossians 3

Key Verses: 1, 5, 11, 17, 23,

One of the most important skills a soldier trains is aiming. We spend countless hours training to shoot targets, to aim at the right place. I remember being on the firing range at night and not being able to see a single target. As you can imagine, my scores were not very good. You see, I had no idea where to aim. In life we must know where to aim.

Paul tells us to set our hearts and minds in the presence of Christ, to aim our lives in His direction. This will change our perspective on everything here in this life. Our present difficulties just won’t seem as large or overpowering. From heaven’s perspective, tears and sorrow will all make sense. The big questions of life will be answered and all the temporary will be gone and the permanent glory of heaven will be evident. We need to lift our hearts and minds to heaven. It will give us the ability to face the challenges of this life with a renewed hope and focus.

After we readjust our aim, then Paul renews his call to put to death these temporary desires that conflict with God’s eternal purposes. As Jesus-followers we must say goodbye to some things and hello to some others. We have a friend who is a Jesus-follower, but curses like a sailor. She can be praying one minute and using the foulest words the next. Sometimes we just need to stop some things and start some others. Paul mentions a few, but the list could be much longer. Our lives need to be exuding compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. These are not things that come naturally. They are things that must be put on after we change our aim and put off the old. It is not enough to stop cursing. We must then put on speech that reflects our change in perspective.

But this is not simply self-improvement. We allow the Spirit to change us from the inside out. We let His peace become the driving influence in our lives. When that happens, our relationships with each other change. All our family relationships become permeated with peace. The fighting disappears. Our work relationships change; we become more productive for the right reasons. Our attitude reflects our corrected aim, an aim infused with heavenly perspective on earthly life.

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