30Oct2008 1Pt 4:8

8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 9 Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.

We are to be known as a group that loves! Our trademark should be love. Whenever people think about the Church, love should be the word that comes to their minds. When people think about us an individual Jesus-follower, they should know that we love. But do they? I have grave doubts about our ability to love one another. We have become so consumed with getting our rights that surrendering our rights to Jesus has become almost impossible. When we love, we are not letting our sins or the sins of the other person get in the way of our mission here on earth. When we recognize our own desperate need for the love of God, then we can stay in the place where humility reigns and love flows. And humility is necessary for love to flow. I think this is where we have so often failed in the church today. We have often learned a surface love, a love that smiles and shakes hands, but never reaches outside our comfort zone. That is why this verse says we must love each other deeply. The depth of our love should mirror the depth of God’s love for us. He died because He loved us and that death made provision for our sins to be covered, all our sins. How far are we willing to go to demonstrate the love of God to others in ways that can be seen and measured? Or is our love only words with no actions? This passage gives several examples of what deep love would look like lived out in a practical manner. Hospitality is more than hosting a Super Bowl party or BBQ. Hospitality at its roots is an attitude. Hospitality says, “What I have is yours.” Hospitality recognizes that everything we have belongs to Someone else. We are visitors enjoying the hospitality of the Gracious God. We might need to open our home and take someone in for a period of time. That certainly would take a measure of patience that would stretch even those who love the most. But if, out of obedience, we are going to take this kind of step, then God will supply the grace needed. We might need to hang a sign that says “No Grumbling Allowed” over a strategic doorway as a reminder of the high calling of love. Hospitality can be demonstrated in everyday events. Don’t be afraid to invite someone over for a chat, even when your house is a mess. Make them feel welcome and loved. It might just change their world.

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