29Oct2008 1Pt 4:7

7 The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. 

In recent days my mind has been wrapped up in the upcoming election. And I am not afraid to tell you that this is not a good place to get your mind wrapped. I feel like a rag that got stuck around a lawn mower blade shaft. It is doing a lot of spinning, it is creating drag on the whole machine, and it is accomplishing nothing of purpose. I had to spend several hours wrestling with myself before the Lord in order to get the rag unwrapped. I can only imagine those first believers’ struggles under the rule of Rome. Their plight is like so many believers around the world today. Their government is opposed to their faith, actively standing against Jesus. That is why we need to be clear minded and self-controlled. We cannot get in a panic about the future. Even when government forces begin to stand against our faith, we need to be at peace. If we are not at peace, we have difficulty praying. And when difficulties arise, we need to be able to pray clearly and not out of panic. So in the coming months, let’s together work to get our minds and spirits unhooked from the spinning of the political fallout of the election. And this is no matter who wins. The government is not the solution, the Church is the solution. When we as Christ’s Body get ourselves living as we should, then God will be able to move through us to reach a lost world. This is hard to hear in an age of political action committees and special interest groups. We are neither. We are to be living examples of lives touched and changed by God Himself. God is not in a dither when He thinks about the result of the election and neither should we. He is on the only throne that counts and no amount of political turmoil can dethrone Him.

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