23Oct2008 1Pet 1:4

4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you,

In these days of financial uncertainty we want our present and futures solid. I know that my retirement monies lost about a third of their value in the last few months. But when you have so little, the loss doesn’t seem so great. If I had the amounts set aside that financial planners say I should have at this point in my life, I would have lost several hundred thousand dollars in value. Boy am I thankful I am behind the power curve on saving for retirement! I am not sure I could take that kind of loss! But as it is, I have only lost a fraction of that amount. But I am thankful that my eternal account will never lose its value. There are no risky investments with God. Nothing can cause His portfolio to be at risk. Since He knows the future, the past and the present, He knows how to safeguard the future He has planned for those who follow closely after Him. The accounts have been fully vested with the death and resurrection of Jesus. What the Lord promised He is able to fulfill, because the full value of the investment is available in liquid assets, the life-blood of Jesus. As you think about your own future, do you feel secure, safe from earthly fluctuations? I one sense I hope your earthly security is not so secure. That way you have to depend on the Lord. If we have too much of this world’s goods, we can get a false sense that, come what may, the turmoil of this world will never touch me. But the bubble will be penetrated eventually. Sickness, tragedy, and the unexpected can reach everyone. In fact we will all die of something, even if we live in a self-imposed bubble. So we had better learn to trust in a security, in an inheritance that can’t be destroyed by earthly forces. And that is exactly what we have in Jesus. Nothing can penetrate heaven and take away the finished work of Jesus. His payment has been accepted and marked “Paid in full.”

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